Level 4:, this tier gives you strong sustained damage. another small power spike the core of the W build allowing for you to do safe damage Makes your orb walking much smoother and pairs well with your later talent choices. is good for kiting tanks and melee heroes. pairs very well with the level 1 talent and with /.

Level 13 - Survivability/Damage power Spike via or. gives you that amazing synergy with your abilities when you run W build, amazing poke and kiting potential once you get Level 7 - gives you a rather big boost to your auto damage. Level 20 - Your highest damage/survivability power spike, makes your much more deadly, gives you another form of escape via, and makes you much safer because of allowing you to melt tanks and carries. Level 16 - Incredible survivability spike and burst spike via and/or. Level 10 - You get your ultimate, standard power spike for every hero.